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44 | Optimal photoelectron circular dichroism of a model chiral system
GF von Rudorff, Anton N. Artemyev, Boris M. Lagutin, Philipp V. Demekhin, The Journal of Chemical Physics, 21, 214301.
Code Data

43 | Towards comprehensive coverage of chemical space: Quantum mechanical properties of 836k constitutional and conformational closed shell neutral isomers consisting of HCNOFSiPSClBr
Danish Khan, Anouar Benali, Scott Y. H. Kim, GF von Rudorff, O. Anatole von Lilienfeld, preprint.
Preprint Data

42 | Machine Learning Conservation Laws of Dynamical systems
Meskerem Abebaw Mebratie, Rüdiger Nather, GF von Rudorff, Werner M. Seiler, preprint.
Preprint Code and data

41 | Transferability of atomic energies from alchemical decomposition
Michael J. Sahre, GF von Rudorff, Philipp Marquetand, O. Anatole von Lilienfeld, The Journal of Chemical Physics, 5, 0541061-05410612.
Preprint Code Data

40 | Reducing training data needs with minimal multilevel machine learning (M3L)
Stefan Heinen, Danish Khan, GF von Rudorff, Konstantin Karandashev, Daniel Jose Arismendi Arrieta, Alastair J A Price, Surajit Nandi, Arghya Bhowmik, Kersti Hermansson, O Anatole von Lilienfeld, Machine Learning: Science and Technology, 2, 025058.

39 | Impact of noise on inverse design: the case of NMR spectra matching
Dominik Lemm, GF von Rudorff, O. Anatole von Lilienfeld, Digital Discovery, 1, 136--144.


38 | Exploration of Chemical Space Using Quantum Alchemy
GF von Rudorff, Bunsen-Magazin, 6, 187-190.

37 | Quantum Alchemy Based Bonding Trends and Their Link to Hammett's Equation and Pauling's Electronegativity Model
Michael J. Sahre, GF von Rudorff, O. Anatole von Lilienfeld, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 10, 5899--5908.
Preprint Code and data

36 | Understanding Representations by Exploring Galaxies in Chemical Space
Jan Weinreich, Konstantin Karandashev, GF von Rudorff, preprint.

35 | Evolutionary Monte Carlo of QM Properties in Chemical Space: Electrolyte Design
Konstantin Karandashev, Jan Weinreich, Stefan Heinen, Daniel Jose Arismendi Arrieta, GF von Rudorff, Kersti Hermansson, O. Anatole von Lilienfeld, Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation, 23, 8861--8870.

34 | The central role of density functional theory in the {AI} age
Bing Huang, GF von Rudorff, O. Anatole von Lilienfeld, Science, 6654, 170--175.

33 | Occam's razor for AI: Coarse-graining Hammett Inspired Product Ansatz in Chemical Space
Marco Bragato, GF von Rudorff, O. Anatole von Lilienfeld, preprint.

32 | Encrypted machine learning of molecular quantum properties
Jan Weinreich, GF von Rudorff, O Anatole von Lilienfeld, Machine Learning: Science and Technology, 2, 025017.
Preprint Code and data

31 | Improved decision making with similarity based machine learning: applications in chemistry
Dominik Lemm, GF von Rudorff, O Anatole von Lilienfeld, Machine Learning: Science and Technology, 4, 045043.


30 | Transition state search and geometry relaxation throughout chemical compound space with quantum machine learning
Stefan Heinen, GF von Rudorff, O. Anatole von Lilienfeld, The Journal of Chemical Physics, 22, 221102.
Preprint Code and data

29 | Ab initio machine learning of phase space averages
Jan Weinreich, Dominik Lemm, GF von Rudorff, O. Anatole von Lilienfeld, The Journal of Chemical Physics, 2, 024303.
Preprint Code and data

28 | Quantum alchemy beyond singlets: Bonding in diatomic molecules with hydrogen
Emily A. Eikey, Alex M. Maldonado, Charles D. Griego, GF von Rudorff, John A. Keith, The Journal of Chemical Physics, 20, 204111.

27 | {SELFIES} and the future of molecular string representations
Mario Krenn, Qianxiang Ai, Senja Barthel, Nessa Carson, Angelo Frei, Nathan C. Frey, Pascal Friederich, Th{\'{e}}ophile Gaudin, Alberto Alexander Gayle, Kevin Maik Jablonka, Rafael F. Lameiro, Dominik Lemm, Alston Lo, Seyed Mohamad Moosavi, Jos{\'{e}} Manuel N{\'{a}}poles-Duarte, AkshatKumar Nigam, Robert Pollice, Kohulan Rajan, Ulrich Schatzschneider, Philippe Schwaller, Marta Skreta, Berend Smit, Felix Strieth-Kalthoff, Chong Sun, Gary Tom, GF von Rudorff, Andrew Wang, Andrew D. White, Adamo Young, Rose Yu, Al{\'{a}}n Aspuru-Guzik, Patterns, 10, 100588.

26 | Relative energies without electronic perturbations via alchemical integral transform
Simon Le{\'{o}}n Krug, GF von Rudorff, O. Anatole von Lilienfeld, The Journal of Chemical Physics, 16, 164109.
Preprint Code Data

25 | Evaluating quantum alchemy of atoms with thermodynamic cycles: Beyond ground electronic states
Emily A. Eikey, Alex M. Maldonado, Charles D. Griego, GF von Rudorff, John A. Keith, The Journal of Chemical Physics, 6, 064106.


24 | Arbitrarily Accurate Quantum Alchemy
GF von Rudorff, The Journal of Chemical Physics, 155, 224103.
Preprint Code Data

23 | Toward the design of chemical reactions: Machine learning barriers of competing mechanisms in reactant space
Stefan Heinen, GF von Rudorff, O. Anatole von Lilienfeld, The Journal of Chemical Physics, 6, 064105.
Preprint Code and data

22 | Machine learning based energy-free structure predictions of molecules, transition states, and solids
Dominik Lemm, GF von Rudorff, O. Anatole von Lilienfeld, Nature Communications, 1, 4468.
Preprint Code

21 | Elucidating an Atmospheric Brown Carbon Species{\textemdash}Toward Supplanting Chemical Intuition with Exhaustive Enumeration and Machine Learning
Enrico Tapavicza, GF von Rudorff, David O. De Haan, Mario Contin, Christian George, Matthieu Riva, O. Anatole von Lilienfeld, Environmental Science {\&} Technology, 12, 8447--8457.
Preprint Code Data Data

20 | Simplifying inverse materials design problems for fixed lattices with alchemical chirality
GF von Rudorff, O. Anatole von Lilienfeld, Science Advances, 21, eabf1173.
Preprint Code and data


19 | Thousands of reactants and transition states for competing E2 and S N 2 reactions
GF von Rudorff, Stefan N Heinen, Marco Bragato, O Anatole von Lilienfeld, Machine Learning: Science and Technology, 4, 045026.
Preprint Code Data

18 | Effects of perturbation order and basis set on alchemical predictions
Giorgio Domenichini, GF von Rudorff, O. Anatole von Lilienfeld, The Journal of Chemical Physics, 14, 144118.
Preprint Code Data

17 | Machine learning the computational cost of quantum chemistry
Stefan Heinen, Max Schwilk, GF von Rudorff, O Anatole von Lilienfeld, Machine Learning: Science and Technology, 2, 025002.
Preprint Code and data

16 | Data enhanced Hammett-equation: reaction barriers in chemical space
Marco Bragato, GF von Rudorff, O. Anatole von Lilienfeld, Chemical Science, 43, 11859--11868.
Preprint Code and data

15 | Rapid and accurate molecular deprotonation energies from quantum alchemy
GF von Rudorff, O. Anatole von Lilienfeld, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 19, 10519--10525.
Preprint Code and data

14 | Alchemical perturbation density functional theory
GF von Rudorff, O. Anatole von Lilienfeld, Physical Review Research, 2, 023220.
Preprint Code and data


13 | Atoms in molecules from alchemical perturbation density functional theory
GF von Rudorff, O. Anatole von Lilienfeld, The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 47, 10073–10082.
Preprint Code and data

12 | Molecular shape as a (useful) bias in chemistry
GF von Rudorff, preprint.
Preprint Code and data


11 | Acidity Constants of the Hematite{\textendash}Liquid Water Interface from Ab Initio Molecular Dynamics
Oliver R. Gittus, GF von Rudorff, Kevin M. Rosso, Jochen Blumberger, The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 18, 5574--5582.


PhD Thesis | Structure and Dynamics of the Hematite/Liquid Water Interface GF von Rudorff

10 | Cysteine Linkages Accelerate Electron Flow through Tetra-Heme Protein {STC}
Xiuyun Jiang, Zdenek Futera, Md. Ehesan Ali, Fruzsina Gajdos, GF von Rudorff, Antoine Carof, Marian Breuer, Jochen Blumberger, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 48, 17237--17240.

9 | Cluster Formation of Polyphilic Molecules Solvated in a {DPPC} Bilayer
Xiang-Yang Guo, Christopher Peschel, Tobias Watermann, Guido Rudorff, Daniel Sebastiani, Polymers, 12, 488.

8 | Improving the Performance of Hybrid Functional-Based Molecular Dynamics Simulation through Screening of Hartree{\textendash}Fock Exchange Forces
GF von Rudorff, Rasmus Jakobsen, Kevin M. Rosso, Jochen Blumberger, Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation, 5, 2178--2184.

7 | Conformational Space of a Polyphilic Molecule with a Fluorophilic Side Chain Integrated in a {DPPC} Bilayer
GF von Rudorff, Tobias Watermann, Xiang-Yang Guo, Daniel Sebastiani, Journal of Computational Chemistry, 9, 576--583.

6 | Dynamic Stabilization of Metal Oxide{\textendash}Water Interfaces
Martin E. McBriarty, GF von Rudorff, Joanne E. Stubbs, Peter J. Eng, Jochen Blumberger, Kevin M. Rosso, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 7, 2581--2584.


5 | Hematite(001)-liquid water interface from hybrid density functional-based molecular dynamics
GF von Rudorff, Rasmus Jakobsen, Kevin M Rosso, Jochen Blumberger, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 39, 394001.

4 | Fast Interconversion of Hydrogen Bonding at the Hematite (001){\textendash}Liquid Water Interface
GF von Rudorff, Rasmus Jakobsen, Kevin M. Rosso, Jochen Blumberger, The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 7, 1155--1160.


3 | Perfluoroalkane Force Field for Lipid Membrane Environments
GF von Rudorff, Tobias Watermann, Daniel Sebastiani, The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 43, 12531--12540.

2 | Efficient implementation and application of the artificial bee colony algorithm to low-dimensional optimization problems
GF von Rudorff, Christoph Wehmeyer, Daniel Sebastiani, Computer Physics Communications, 6, 1639--1646.


1 | Foraging on the potential energy surface: A swarm intelligence-based optimizer for molecular geometry
Christoph Wehmeyer, GF von Rudorff, Sebastian Wolf, Gabriel Kabbe, Daniel Schärf, Thomas D. Kühne, Daniel Sebastiani, The Journal of Chemical Physics, 19, 194110.