Computational Chemistry 2024
Aims to be an elective Master module, can be followed by Bachelor students. Developed at University of Kassel.
- Born-Oppenheimer Approximation
- Chemical Space and Potential Energy Surfaces
- Geometry Optimization
- Families of Approximations
- Classical Force Fields
- Ensemble Reweighting
- Molecular Dynamics
- Density Functional Theory
- Kohn-Sham Equations
- Hartree-Fock
- Normal modes
- Basis sets
- DFT Functionals
- Post-HF methods
Meant to both deepen understanding of the lecture content, but also to boost Python skills.
- Introduction to Python: Those with solutions
- Introduction to Python: 5 from those without solutions
- Potential Energy Surfaces
- Geometry Optimization
- Classical Force Fields
- Potential Interpolation
- Molecular Dynamics
- Quantum Chemistry Calculations
- Forces
- Vibrations
- Terms